Publication funding initiatives

Beyond the publication fund for journals and monographs, the SUB Göttingen is involved in further initiatives in the field of Open Access publishing in order to offer other publication infrastructures to researchers at the University of Göttingen and to support them here.

  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
    SUB Göttingen is a member of the DOAJ. The independent database contains over 16,000 peer-reviewed open access journals from all fields of science. DOAJ's mission is to enhance the visibility, accessibility, reputation, use, and impact of high-quality, peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly research journals worldwide, regardless of discipline, geography, or language. DOAJ works with editors, publishers, and journal owners to help them understand the value of best practice publications and standards and apply them to their own activities. DOAJ is committed to being 100% independent and making its primary services and metadata available to anyone for free use and reuse.

    The Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics - German Universities has the task as national contact point to organize the financial participation of German universities in the international consortium SCOAP³. The aim of SCOAP³ is to make scientific publications in the field of high-energy physics available in Open Access. The contribution payments of the participating institutions correspond to the proportionate publication volume of their scientists.
  • SciPost
    The SciPost platform has been around since 2016 and is run by scientists. Quality and openness are the top priorities.
    The journal portfolio now includes astronomy, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics and political science. Publishing in the open access journals offered is free of charge for authors. The financing of this offer and the operation of the platform are provided by sponsors. The University of Göttingen supports this initiative with its membership for 2022 to 2024.
    SciPost includes all relevant features (from the submission process to the peer review process to the pre-publication of submissions and the publication of the final paper and long-term preservation of the content). Collaboration takes place through the Editorial College.
    In this way, SciPost has established itself as a complete publication portal in recent years.

  • Open Library of Humanities
    The non-profit organization OLH was founded in 2013 as a network of scientists, librarians, programmers and publishers. As a scholarly Open Access publisher with high quality standards, OLH does not charge any author fees. The costs are borne by international library consortia, which on the one hand want to enable their scientists to publish openly free of charge and on the other hand want to promote the further generation of freely accessible content for science and the public.
  • Open Library Media Studies
    For the years 2022 to 2024, Transcript Verlag is bundling 13 new publications from the Media Studies program area into an ‘e-book package’. In crowdfunding, participating libraries can finance the open access provision for a fee instead of purchasing individual campus licenses, as is usually the case. Once crowdfunding has been successfully completed, the content in the package is available for free use by the entire scientific community under a Creative Commons license.
    In the package model, costs are greatly reduced for each participant by distributing them among all members of the consortium, the ‘Open Library Community’. This enables an OA transformation of entire subject collections that is economically viable for all participants. The model also provides financial relief for publication-heavy institutions, which often bear the OA fees for the publications of institution-affiliated authors, and it enables authors to publish OA in a grant-compliant manner without the need to seek individual title funding. Publication in the Open Library Media Science is free of charge for authors. This means that all authors in the specialist community - irrespective of their institution's funding pot - have the opportunity to publish their work in Open Access. The terms and conditions of the Open Library Media Studies were determined in cooperation with the SUB Göttingen.
  • Open Books Publisher (OBP)
    Founded in 2008, OBP is already the largest independent academic open access publisher of monographs in the UK and one of the leaders in the English-speaking world. OBP is a non-profit social enterprise run by academics committed to making high quality, award-winning research accessible to all.  As a founding member of the ScholarLed consortium of academic-led OA publishers and part of the pan-European HIRMEOS project, OBP is in the process of developing an open source infrastructure that will enable other OA publishers to grow and thrive. As a member, libraries support OBP's OA publishing and activities.

  • Verfassungsblog Membership Programm (2022 – 2024)
    The Verfassungsblog is a quality-assured academic blog firmly anchored in the legal and political science community. The Verfassungsblog is a scholarly and journalistic open-access discussion forum on current events and developments in constitutional law and policy in Germany, the emerging European constitutional space and beyond. It sees itself as an interface between academic discourse on the one hand and the political public on the other. The sponsoring institutions support the maintenance and further development of the (technical) infrastructure of the blog. The organisation is carried out by the Open Access service provider Knowledge Unlatched.