RDA Europe 4.0 - Project details

The European plug-in to the global Research Data Alliance

RDA Europe 4.0 is the fourth phase of a series of projects supporting European involvement in the Research Data Alliance (RDA). RDA is a community-driven organisation whose global members share a mission to build the technical and social bridges that enable open sharing of data.

Major objectives of RDA Europe 4.0 include becoming a core element in the EU Open Science Strategy and contributing to a global interoperable data infrastructure. To strengthen, consolidate and expand the RDA community in Europe, the project will build on existing networks to create a pan-European network of RDA national nodes. Nodes engage with research communities, support national open data and open science agendas, and aim to increase the uptake of standards and participation in RDA globally. RDA Europe 4.0 and the national nodes will enhance Member State cooperation and contribute to developing a sustainable path for the RDA in Europe. In addition, RDA Europe 4.0 will drive the process of RDA ICT Technical Specifications in Europe to encourage research data interoperability and innovation.

To increase European participation in RDA and democratise access to funding opportunities, the project will open a series of calls aimed at Early Career Researchers, experts, domain ambassadors, new national nodes, and RDA output-adoption. These calls will encourage individuals and institutions to take part in RDA activities, promote RDA outputs and recommendations, and help to integrate RDA with relevant EU initiatives.

RDA Europe 4.0 commenced with nine research organisations acting as national nodes (March 2018) and this network will grow to a total of 22 nodes by the end of the project (May 2020). RDA Europe nodes support data-related activities at the national / regional level and act as central contact points between national data practitioners and RDA. They foster the adoption of RDA outputs in the region, interact with national research funding bodies advocating for data issues, participate in RDA processes and governance to represent regional interests, and promote the RDA vision and results through events, workshops and meetings, both locally and at the European level.

In RDA Europe 4.0, Göttingen State and University Library leads the following work packages and tasks:

  • WP1, task 1.3 Cascading Grant Management: this task will coordinate a series of open calls to consolidate and increase the European contribution to RDA as well as the take-up and implementation of RDA results across scientific domains and European organisations.
  • WP3 - Support to RDA involvement in European policies: the objective of this WP is to ensure that RDA contributes to and supports EU policies through the creation of a pan-European network of national nodes, and to promote RDA results by achieving recognition as ICT technical specifications in Europe. WP3 will track RDA results and ICT technical specifications uptake, coordinate and manage national nodes, identify and engage with potential nodes and onboard 13 additional nodes by project end, and integrate RDA in the activities of relevant European initiatives.
  • WP5, task 5.4 Sustainability: the task will develop the RDA Europe sustainability strategy and deliver a business model based around identified motivational mechanisms.



Project board at the SUB Göttingen

Project staff at the SUB Göttingen

SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project

Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen

Dr. Daniel Bangert, Ilaria Fava