OpenAIRE Advance - Project details

OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship

OpenAIRE Advance is the fourth funding phase of OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe). While sustaining the current successful infrastructure, comprised of a human network and robust technical services, OpenAIRE Advance will work towards making Open Science the default in Europe, reshaping the scholarly communication system towards openness and transparency and serving as a trusted pillar of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
OpenAIRE Advance will empower its network of 34 National Open Access Desks (NOADs) to increase their national presence, by providing them with the tools and the knowledge to build synergies and develop capacities to become a pivotal part of open science in national settings.
OpenAIRE Advance will also work on current services optimisation and on the development of new dashboards, thus broadening OpenAIRE’s services outreach and actively involving all stakeholders in a co-design process, to ease the reuse of OpenAIRE data for a more comprehensive audience of users and ensure that OpenAIRE’s services and products meet their needs.

In this new phase, OpenAIRE Advance will also run a two-phase pilot for schools laying the foundations for citizen scientists to leverage the benefits of Open Science, together with an Open Innovation programme to bring OpenAIRE closer to industry.

The project will keep on supporting the international collaboration, global interoperability and repository alignment thanks to the close work together with COAR, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories.
At a European level, close collaboration with EOSC Hub will be in place to create a joined-up, interoperable set of services to seamlessly serve the needs of tomorrow’s researcher in the context of EOSC.
In addition to this, OpenAIRE Advance will transition OpenAIRE to a sustainable legal entity. The establishment of an OpenAIRE Legal Entity will provide the necessary institutional framework that will allow the sustainability of OpenAIRE services and the continuous engagement of the relevant communities. In addition, the existence of a transition plan to an OpenAIRE ERIC (as presented in OpenAIRE2020) will facilitate the active involvement of policy makers and the synchronization of EU and national policies with the OpenAIRE services and activities. This transition will now be reviewed with an eye on EOSC developments, in a group effort with the EINFRA-12-2017-(a) project and GEANT to identify common governance structures, synergies or approaches.

As the scientific coordinator of OpenAIRE Advance, Göttingen State and University Library oversees the strategic, networking and outreach activities of the project. It participates in several work packages, leading two:

WP2 - Communication and Dissemination

The overall objective of this work package is to communicate the OpenAIRE goals, methodology and services and products to all involved stakeholders and the general public, and provide bi-directional engagement processes. It will specifically:

  • Create and pursue a dissemination strategy with the aim to involve all stakeholders.
  • Operate various communication channels, to ensure that we reach all parties and address them in customised ways.
  • Prepare, produce and publish various dissemination materials.
  • Establish the necessary mechanisms and procedures, set up and operate the tools towards a structured and continuous end user engagement.
  • Organise a number of events with different focus and targets.

WP3 - NOADs Network Operation

This WP is dedicated to managing NOAD activities, and running a series of task forces on different topics in order to build capacity in targeted topics of scholarly communication. The task will also pave the way for the Open Science Partnership and ensure NOADs consider sustainability issues and reach out to relevant national infrastructures. More specifically, it will involve all partners and NOADs in a vertical approach for knowledge exchange on the following areas: Policies on Open Access and Open Science; Research Data Management; Legal guidelines for Research Performing Organisations (RPOs).



Project board at the SUB Göttingen

Project staff at the SUB Göttingen

SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project

Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen

Dr. Daniel Bangert, Dr. Barbara Bayer-Schur, Maximilian Behnert-Brodhun, Claudia Engelhardt, Ilaria Fava, Dr. Gavin Connor Fox, Dr. Mike Mertens, Najla Rettberg, Tobias Steiner