Open4DE - Project details

Status and Perspectives of an Open Access Strategy for Germany

Open access is an integral component of the scholarly communication and publication culture in Germany - around every second research article is already openly accessible. However, there is still a considerable gap between aspiration and reality. Research funders and institutions aim at a complete transformation to open access, while the implementation progress is intermittent. Targeting the German research landscape, the project ‘Status and Perspectives of an Open Access Strategy for Germany – Open4DE’ aims at:

  • surveying the status quo of core aspects of Open Access at the level of universities, research organizations, the German federal states and at the national level, as well as from a disciplinary perspective,
  • providing a description and analysis of the strategies, guidelines and policies applied in this context,
  • the contextualization of Open Access in the transformation of the scientific communication system and against the wider background of Open Science, and
  • the development of scenarios and pragmatic steps (modular roadmap) for the further development of OA strategies and policies.

In this context, and in view of an international comparison of the strategies of 4-6 European countries, the project will investigate how a national Open Access strategy and roadmap for Germany could complement and strengthen the already existing (and further developing) institutional and state-specific as well as subject-specific Open Access strategies.

Göttingen State and University Library acts as consortium coordinator for the project, in collaboration with the Open Access Office Berlin of the Free University of Berlin and the Communication, Information and Media Center of the University of Konstanz. Göttingen State and University Library is leading the following work packages (WP):

  • WP1: Subject matter, definitions and indicators,
  • WP2: Survey and analysis of international strategies for the development and organizational anchoring of a national strategy,
  • WP8: Development of an open data set for strategy assessment,
  • WP10: Project coordination, public relations & exploitation of project results.



Project board at the SUB Göttingen

Project staff at the SUB Göttingen

SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project