HaS - Project details (Humanities at Scale)


The project Humanities at Scale (HaS) is being funded by the European Union in the course of “Horizon 2020” and coordinated by the DARIAH-ERIC. All partners are major providers of services for the Humanities and Cultural Sciences in their respective countries. Furthermore, Humanities at Scale incorporates the expertise of more than 60 partner institutions into DARIAH-EU. This way, a large number of national as well as international research networks are conceptualizing, contributing and developing joint research infrastructure for the Humanities in Europe. In the course of DARIAH-EU, Humanities at Scale aims to develop digital components and lay the technological foundation of DARIAH-EU based on the requirements of researchers in the Humanities. This will lead to a modular infrastructure which can be used for collaborative research. A special focus lies on the support of research and teaching, as well as finding new ways for the publication of data. In order to achieve these, central digital services and tools will be provided, as well as a comprehensive strategy for dissemination.



Project staff at the SUB Göttingen

SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project

Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen

Claudia Engelhardt, Claudio Leone, Dr. Stefan Schmunk, Dr. Carsten Thiel