Clio-online - Project details

Development of a central Internet portal for history and historiography

There is a vast amount of material in the Internet, but finding what one wants is not always easy. This is also true of the numerous online resources pertaining to historical research. Seven service organizations have joined together to facilitate the day-to-day use of the Internet for historical research. In a project sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under the leadership of Prof. Wilfried Nippel and coordinated by Dr. Rüdiger Hohls (History Department of Humboldt-University Berlin), this group has developed a central portal for history and historical studies in German-speaking regions. Clio-online joins existing services and develops new concepts and a new technological infrastructure to support a more intensive use of the Internet in this area. Clio-online is a part of the " Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Geschichte" (virtual library of history) and of the interdisciplinary network of the subject libraries. Since from the very beginning there was the intention of expanding the circle of participants, the portal is cooperative and modular in design.


Goettingen State and University Library cooperates with Clio-Online with its special subject collection of Anglo-American history and its portal Library of Anglo-American Culture & History.



Project board at the SUB Göttingen

SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project