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SUB Göttingen, Cod. Ms. 2022.31Im Jahr 2022 konnte die SUB Göttingen ihre Sammlungen im Bereich Handschriften durch Ankäufe im Antiquariatshandel, von Privatanbietenden oder auf Auktionen sowie durch Schenkungen und Übernahmen um einige wichtige neue Stücke erweitern. In unserem neuen Blog-Beitrag stellen wir Ihnen ausgewählte Stücke vor.

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Alex Zawacki at the MSI Lab, SUB GöttingenIn a new post ‘New Light on Old Texts: Imaging Science at the SUB Göttingen’ of our blog ‘Selten und Bemerkenswert’, we introduce Alex Zawacki who has just started working as imaging scientist at the SUB Göttingen. He discusses the University's new multispectral imaging system and the work of recovering damaged cultural heritage.

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Since 10 July 2018, at the University of Göttingen - as well as at around 200 other well-known German scientific institutions - access to current full texts from Elsevier and Cell Press journals has been suspended by the publishers. At the University of Göttingen 440 Elsevier journals and another 12 titles belonging to Cell Press are affected.

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Neben den bereits zugänglichen rechtwissenschaftlichen Lehrbüchern des Verlags Franz Vahlen sind ab sofort auch eine Vielzahl der Lehrbücher des Verlags C.H.Beck über die Datenbank beck-eLibrary lizenziert. Dieses Angebot löst die bis zum 30.11.2019 zugängliche beck-eBibliothek ab.

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From now on, you can access the Romance Studies Bibliography Online Database from the University of Göttingen network. The Romance Studies Bibliography is the most comprehensive specialist bibliography in Romance languages and literature. It lists independent literature as well as articles in journals and anthologies on Romance literature and linguistics and is updated annually. Access is via the database information system DBIS.

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On 20.000 objects from university collections are available online. The public all over the world can access concise information and high-resolution images on the objects and reuse them. Göttingen University is one of the first universities in Germany to publish its scientific collections openly online. Göttingen State and University Library has published two collections on the portal: Collection Family Schlözer and Collection of Seals by Paul Arnold Grun.

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