
Summary of facts and figures 2022 2021 2020
Locations 9 (mit LSG) 9 (mit LSG) 9 (mit LSG)
Courses on information and media literacy (in hours) 341 213 158
Calls of E-Learning offers 85,595 82,327 68,857
Courses on information and media literacy (participants in face-to-face events) 3,277 2,326 1,452
Library visits 1,456,769 759,680 1,077,403
Circulation and inter-library loans 668,559 785,840 710,043
Study spaces 3,184 3,134 3,099
Computer workstations 394 394 402
Carrels (bookable online) 206 206 185
Group study rooms (bookable online) 158 158 158
Booking of study spaces 165,722 65,545 k. A.
Face-to-Face-information 276,016 271,154 428,688
Media holdings 9,683,129 9,435,569 9,281,852
Catalogue search 3,980,527 12,086,545 11,449,770
Licensed electronic journals and newspapers 71,968 78,281 77,260
Downloads e-journals 2,633,110 2,735,355 2,662,078
Downloads / Document-Access Document Server n. a. 2,000,000 2,054,541
Usage sessions e-books 934.997 978,117 1,045,673
Göttingen University Press publications 48 40 48
Open Access publications funded by the Publications Fund 428 483 343
Funding volume of the Open Access Publication Fund (in Euro, without share of institute costs) 648,453 808,155 525,102
Number of ongoing third-party funded projects of projects completed this year 78 78 59
DOIs for publications on Göttingen Campus 11,934 21,996 6,059
DOIs for national publications in repositories on Göttingen Campus 1,352 2,795
DOIs for national publications in external repositories, allocation via national DOI service of the eRA 17,453 16,631 6,814
Pre-application consultation eRA 48 41 38
Digitized historical holdings (pages) 13,994,938 13,763,735 13,443,064
Objects lent for exhibition 9 19 105
Recorded objects in the collection database (digitized) 1,776 1,776 1,776
Accessible digitized pages via the GDZ viewer 23,228,937 22,909,119 22,613,795
Share of external funding in overall funding 12 11,4 7,1