Job openings & training

In addition to current job openings, please find below training and internship opportunities at the Göttingen State and University Library.

Current job openings at the Göttingen State and University Library

There are no job openings at this time.

Training and internship opportunities at the Göttingen State and University Library


We train specialists in media and information services (specialization: library) and audiovisual media designers.
The Library Portal provides general information about the various job profiles in libraries.

Library traineeship

At the Göttingen State and University Library, the practical part of the library traineeship for senior civil service can be completed.

Internships within a degree course or school attendance

Bachelor students of Information Management or of Library and Information Science may complete their internship semester with us.
Our Conservation and Restoration unit offers internships for students of Conservation and Restoration (specialization: graphics, archive and library material).

Pupils wishing to gain insight into the training areas of the Göttingen State and University Library during mandatory internships at school are kindly asked to contact the training supervisor (email).

International visiting librarians

Interested persons with a library and information science background are kindly requested to inquire via exchange programmes such as Erasmus+ or the U4 Network whether they are eligible for a guest stay at the Göttingen State and University Library.

Please refer to the University's "Göttingen International" Department for information on the funding programmes.

After claryfying the details mentioned above, please feel free to turn to "SUB Göttingen International" (email) with your specific request or application.